
Displaying results 3181 - 3190 of 3220

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Every year, over one million people emigrate permanently and in most years, nearly as many seek asylum. If we include in-country mobility, then there are probably two billion people on the move globally each year. This paper addresses some of the issues involved in relation to the rights of migrants to health. The paper outlines key existing laws, policies and best practices in relation to the rights of migrants to health, and associated care, treatment, support and prevention, particularly in relation to HIV/AIDS/STD and reproductive health.
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Violence and the fear of violence are emerging as an important risk factor contributing to the vulnerability to HIV infection for women.The extent to which individuals who are HIV infected, particularly women, are vulnerable to violence is also an issue of concern. This report is divided into three main sections. The first section contains a summary of each presentation. The second section summarizes the discussion and the third details the recommendations and conclusions from the meeting.
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The main objective of the survey was to assess the level of HIV/AIDS risk behavior among general population males in three major urban areas in the Philippines particularly Quezon City, Cebu City, and Davao City. These cities were part of the Department of Health’s National HIV Sentinel Surveillance System.
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The objective of the 2000 round of Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) was to provide a comprehensive description of sexual behavior among men in Cambodia, to gain a better understanding of the extent of high-risk behavior in urban and rural population males.
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It is essential to know the costs of different prevention strategies to be able to set public policy priorities in the fight against AIDS. Hence this important costing tool, a new edition of Costing guidelines for HIV prevention strategies, first issued by UNAIDS in 1998. The guidelines now contain cost analysis worksheets and cover injecting drug users. In many developing countries economists are scarce, but these guidelines make it possible for other professionals such as accountants and planners to analyse costs. Such analyses must be combined with a judgement of an intervention's outcome. That an intervention has a low cost does not necessarily mean it is worth while from an economic perspective; for example, if it does not slow the spread of the disease or has unwanted side-effects that outweigh benefits.
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In Thailand, estimates indicate that 984,000 persons have been infected since 1988 with HIV and that approximately 289,000 people have died of AIDS. Over 695,000 persons are now living with HIV. At the end of 1999, national HIV sentinel surveillance showed that prevalence had declined among Army conscripts, female direct/indirect sex workers, and pregnant women, but had increased among injecting drug users, from 39% in 1989 to 54.1% by June 1999. Harm reduction for drug users has been a notable gap in AIDS initiatives. To date there is only one program located among Akha villages in Chiang Rai province. In addition, although a link between use of methamphetamine (or ATS) and HIV risk has yet to be clarified, ATS use has increased dramatically and has the potential to create serious health consequences.
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The main objective of the CDHS 2000 was to obtain current information on demographic conditions, family planning, infant and child mortality, domestic violence, and health related information such as breastfeeding, antenatal care, child immunization, children’s diseases and HIV/AIDS. Also the questionnaires are designed to evaluate the nutritional status of mothers and children and measure the prevalence of anemia. This report presents the preliminary findings from the CDHS 2000 that are expected to be used by policy makers to evaluate the demographic and health status of the Cambodian population in order to formulate appropriate population and health policies and programs in Cambodia. The final report of the CDHS as well as the summary report containing more detailed findings will be published in the first half of 2001.
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The set of case studies in this collection emerged from a session entitled Best Practices in Female Sex Worker Projects held at the Fourth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific in Manila, October 1997. Preparation for the session began in May 1997 when UNAIDS sponsored an effort to learn about sex worker projects in the region. Lists of known potential projects were elicited from sex work networks, well-connected individuals and researchers. A call for responses was placed on the SEA-AIDS list server.
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Faced with the increasingly devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on individual and community well-being, and on development, life expectancy and childhood mortality, many governments have been reviewing the nature of their response to HIV/AIDS. Some have raised the issue of whether the principles of confidentiality and informed consent have hindered efforts to prevent the onward transmission of HIV. Particular concern has been expressed regarding the vulnerability of women to infection by husbands or partners who do not know their status, or refuse to reveal it or refuse to practise safe sex. This has led to calls to adopt policies such as named HIV case- reporting, mandatory disclosure of status and criminalizing the deliberate transmission of HIV.
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This document shows the HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia thru October 2000 based on the Directorate General CDC and EH Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia.