
Displaying results 2541 - 2550 of 3212

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Pakistan pledged its commitment to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic by adopting the Declaration of Commitment (DoC) at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS in June 2001. The DoC reflects global consensus on a comprehensive framework to achieve the 6th Millennium Development Goal of ‘halting and beginning to reverse the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2015’.
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The preparation of the UNGASS country report was widely participated in by a range of sectors like civil society organisations including PLHIV, government agencies; experts group (e.g. SI-TWG); external development partners and other stakeholders. A steering committee led by the National Planning Commission provided the guidance and oversight during the report preparation process. A desk review of a number of documents, studies (e.g. IBBS), and reports was carried out to extract necessary data and information. The UNGASS Nepal Country Progress Report Nepal 2010 covers the period 2008 -2009.
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This country report presents information specifically focused on achievements or the Government and civil society including people living with and affected by AIDS in Indonesia related to the Declaration of Commitment of UNGASS. The report covers work in the past two years, 2008-2009 and is a collaborative product reflecting the perspectives of partners in its preparation.
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For gender comparison, of the stigma index data, the MPG numerators divided their sample allocation evenly by gender of respondents currently living with HIV. The final sample for tabulations is divided with fifty‐one percent female respondents and forty‐nine percent male respondents, respectively 166 and 158 persons that make the sample size amount to a total of 324 respondents. For the purpose of this HIV stigma index, all respondents have a status of HIV positive.
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The Cook Islands is a very small Pacific island country, both in terms of geography and population. HIV is practically unknown in the Cook Islands, with only two cases of HIV infection ever reported and no residents currently living with HIV. However, previous Second Generation Surveillance (SGS) surveys have documented high rates of STI infection, especially Chlamydia, among antenatal women and youth in 2006. In 2008 young people under 24 years reported high levels of risky sexual behavior, including multiple and concurrent partners and low levels of condom use. This report documents the findings from a Second Generation Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) which was conducted among akavaine and men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Cook Islands in 2009.
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The 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (2008 NDHS) is a nationally representative survey of 13,594 women age 15-49 from 12,469 households successfully interviewed, covering 794 enumeration areas (clusters) throughout the Philippines. This survey is the ninth in a series of demographic and health surveys conducted to assess the demographic and health situation in the country. The survey obtained detailed information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutritional status of women and young children, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, and knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Also, for the first time, the Philippines NDHS gathered information on violence against women.
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Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) provides information on behaviors among subpopulations who may be difficult to reach through traditional household surveys, but who may be at high risk of contracting or transmitting the virus. This was the first round of BSS for the Maharashtra State and would serve as the baseline. Nine various groups were covered under the survey; four core group categories (brothel and non-brothel based female sex workers, men having sex with men, injecting drug users), three bridge groups (clients of female sex workers, truckers and helpers and single male migrants) and general population groups.
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While the prevalence of HIV among female sex workers and clients remains inferior to 0.5% as 2008, a survey conducted the same year in Vientiane found 5.5% prevalence of HIV among MSM. Additional information is needed to document the state of the epidemic in this particular high-risk group that is currently the group with the highest incidence in neighboring Thailand.
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According to the latest available estimates, there are currently about 2.5 million people living with HIV or AIDS in India, corresponding to a HIV prevalence rate of 0.36 percent for the population ages 15–49 (IIPS 2007). While HIV prevalence thus remains relatively low, there are several factors that are unique to India’s HIV epidemic, and need to be taken into account when assessing the impact of HIV and AIDS.
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This report is based on a survey of the experience of more than 2000 respondents living with HIV in China. The survey will increase the understanding of how stigma and discrimination is experienced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) and it is hoped that the results will inform future discussions, programmes and policies in China. The information gained will provide data on the current situation and areas requiring future action. These include anti-stigma and anti-discrimination campaigns, improving workplace and education sector policies, informing the formulation of laws relevant to the AIDS response and promoting the realization of human rights. Consequently, the report is an advocacy tool, which will support the collective goal of the Government, the UN, NGOs and community based organisations alike to reduce stigma and discrimination linked to HIV in order to reach the goal of Universal Access to prevention, treatment, care and support, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).