Publications on Prisoners

Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
This document summarizes that HIV prevalence is scarce, given the current state of rebuild of Afghanistan's health system. UNAIDS has eliminated that, as of 2008, HIV prevalence among the general population is below 0.5%.
Resource | Guidelines,

The checklists in this document are an important tool in ensuring greater safety and better quality medical care for women in prison, and are designed to assist a review of current policies and practices relating to women’s health in prisons. 

Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
The high prevalence of HIV infection and drug dependence among prisoners, combined with the sharing of injecting drug equipment, make prisons a high-risk environment for the transmission of HIV. Ultimately, this contributes to HIV epidemics in the communities to which prisoners return on their release. We reviewed the eff ectiveness of interventions to reduce injecting drug use risk behaviours and, consequently, HIV transmission in prisons.
Resource | Publications,
Everywhere in the world, rates of HIV-infection among prison populations are generally much higher than in the general population. Drug use in general, and injecting drug use in particular, as well as violence and the practice of men having sex with men are widespread in prisons.
Resource | Publications,

The main focus of the handbook is female prisoners1 and guidance on the components of a gender-sensitive approach to prison management, taking into account the typical background of female prisoners and their special needs as women in prison.

Resource | Fact Sheets,

Women in prison are vulnerable to gender-based sexual violence; they may engage in risky behaviours and practices such as unsafe tattooing, injecting drug use, and, are more susceptible to self-harm.

Resource | Publications,
The assessment provides a review of existing legislation, in terms of their provisions for non-custodial measures and sanctions, with particular focus on the provisions for offenders with mental healthcare needs, drug users, women, juveniles and first time non-violent offenders.
Resource | Publications,
The aim of this review was to gather information relating to HIV prevention, care and treatment in prisons in the WHO South-East Asia Region. Countries selected for inclusion in the review were India, Indonesia, Nepal and Thailand.
Resource | Publications,

The handbook has been written for criminal justice officials, non-governmental organizations, and members of the community who are working to reduce over-reliance on imprisonment; to improve the delivery of justice, including rehabilitation and reintegration; and to integrate international human rights-based standards and norms into local policies and practices.