Publications on Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)

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The objective of the IHBSS is to determine the: (a) prevalence of HIV and syphilis among the key affected populations and establish trend over time, (b) behavioral factors that are associated with STI and HIV transmission and their effect on the HIV epidemic in the country, (c) outcome of STI and HIV intervention programs and (d) to provide strategic information to guide STI and HIV policies, programs and services.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
To track the epidemic and inform intervention, men who have sex with men (MSM) was included as the one of the four major at-risk populations in the HIV/AIDS Response Indicator Survey (HARiS). The first HARiS was conducted in 2013, via commissioning to the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease, School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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APCOM’s Highlight series profile the often unheard of MSM and transgender community-based documentation of good practices from projects across Asia and the Pacific.
Resource | Presentations,
Re-strategizing the MSM Response: Data for Action January 21, 2013
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This discussion paper examines why Islam matters in preventing HIV, what Islam and Muslim scholars say about MSM and transgender people, as well as how this impacts on the lives of MSM and transgender people and their access to health services.
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In 2011, the fourth round of the Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS) was led by the Department of Health.
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A better understanding of gender-based violence among men who have sex with men, male sex workers, and transgender populations is necessary in order to develop clear and targeted recommendations for future interventions targeting this issue.
Resource | Tools,
The "The Time Has Come" is a training package for health providers to reduce stigma in health care settings, as well as to enhance HIV, STI and other sexual health services for MSM and transgender people in Asia and the Pacific.
Resource | Presentations,
Behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) has been conducted by NCHADS to document behavior changes among sentinel groups since 1997.
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The HLM targets and UNSC Resolution 1983 provide an opportunity to scale up universal access to HIV and AIDS related services for all uniformed service personnel and their family members and for people living with HIV and the key populations at higher risk of HIV with whom uniformed services personnel interact.