Youth Health in Nepal: Levels, Trends, and Determinants

Publications - Released in 2019

Given the importance of health policy and strategies for youth, this further analysis of the 2016 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey examines the levels, trends, and determinants of the health of youth in Nepal. The analysis includes health indicators in four areas: marriage and sexual behavior, fertility and family planning, maternal health care, and other health outcomes such as domestic violence, nutritional status, and hypertension. The results show inconsistent progress in improving the health of young women and men in Nepal. There are increases in the utilization of maternal health services and use of contraceptive methods and there are reductions in unmet need for family planning. However, there has been no significant decrease in either domestic spousal violence or adolescent marriage. Comprehensive knowledge of HIV transmission has declined significantly, and nutritional status has worsened in terms of anemia and low BMI.
