Malaysia Country Snapshot December 2012: HIV and Men who have Sex with Men

Reviews and Snapshots - Released in 2012

The MSM Country Snapshots is a new publication series that disseminates strategic information on HIV and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Asia and the Pacific. The four- to five-page documents are intended to circulate good practices, share progress, stimulate discussion, and inform priority interventions and advocacy efforts.

The Snapshots were initiated in recognition of the difficulty of accessing up-to-date country-level information on MSM and HIV. Most importantly, they allow for convenient access to key findings for anyone without paid subscription to academic journals or knowledge of sources for biological and behavioral surveillance data. The documents synthesize key findings at time of publication that span four areas of information: epidemiological, behavioural, programmatic, and legal.


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  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM)
  • HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia Pacific
  • Project Diva (Diversity in Action)