World Breastfeeding Week

Date: 1 August 2023 - 7 August 2023

Place: Global

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This year's WBW theme is Breastfeeding: a key to Sustainable Development. 2016 commemorates the start of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A broad approach using the sustainability theme is thus relevant and inclusive.

By linking breastfeeding to the SDGs, the breastfeeding movement (and beyond) will be able to connect with a variety of development issues over the next 15 years (by 2030) for maximum impact.

WBW materials cover the main links between breastfeeding and the SDGs along 5 broad themes (1) nutrition/food security, 2) health, well-being and survival, 3) environment and climate change, 4) work productivity, empowerment, social protection, and 5) sustainable partnerships and rule of law.

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