Perceptions of Frontline Welfare Workers on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Pacific

Publications - Released in 2019

This paper details the results of a survey with 84 frontline welfare workers in seven Pacific countries. The results offer a snapshot of the context of sexual exploitation of children (SEC) in the Pacific and key issues affecting children’s vulnerability, ability to access support services, and frontline worker’s ability to provide support to them. All participants worked as welfare service providers directly managing cases that included children. The online survey consisted of approximately 60 multiple-choice questions and a small number of short open-answer questions. Many participants shared additional observations and illustrative anecdotes throughout the survey that further shed light on the challenges and potential opportunities for action and progress in this area. It should be noted that the data is not statistically representative of the experiences of all frontline workers in the region, and cases described are merely recalled estimates rather than detailed administrative counts.



  • ECPAT International