People Living with HIV Stigma Index, Sri Lanka

Publications - Released in 2010

This People Living with HIV Stigma Index report is a result of a series of consultations with key stakeholders including membership of three networks of HIV positive people, and the National Partnership comprising of UN joint team on AIDS, the National STD & AIDS Control Programme and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka.

Key amongst the many findings of the Sri Lankan Stigma Index Report are the high levels of "internalised stigma" experienced by people who are infected or affected by HIV and the "corresponding decisions" they make in the face of the many structural or invisible societal barriers in Sri Lankan society. Unfair stereotyping of people with HIV is linked to prejudicial attitudes and there is a need to strengthen avenues through which remedies can be sought by those who have been discriminated against.


  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) - Sri Lanka